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公司使用的 freemarker自定义代码生成模板,Mapper中在使用 SELECT * ,这无疑对性能造成了极大的影响,造成了很多不必要的IO读写。因此在想着改进一下代码,灵活的在使用中指定哪些字段需要查询,提升性能。
建造者模式(Builder Pattern)也叫做生成器模式,其定义如下:Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations.(将一个复杂对象的构建与它的表示分离,使得同样的构建过程可以创建不同的表示。)
Builder 模式适用于需要多个构造方法,且参数不同的情况。
字段名称 | 字段类型 |
id | Long |
content | String |
siteName | String |
@Setter@Getterpublic class DemoQueryDto { private Long id; private Listids; private List idNotIn; private Long idLike; private Long idNotEquals; private Long idIsNull; private String content; private List contents; private List contentsNotIn; private String contentLike; private String contentNotEquals; private String contentIsNull; private String siteName; private List siteNames; private List siteNamesNotIn; private String siteNameLike; private String siteNameNotEquals; private String siteNameIsNull;}
/** * 根据查询条件获取对应信息 * @param condition * @return list */ ListselectList(@Param("condition") DemoQueryDto condition);
id, content, site_name ..........省略selectfrom A where 1=1 ..........省略 and id = #{condition.id,jdbcType=BIGINT} and id in #{item} and id not in #{item} and id like concat('%',#{condition.idLike,jdbcType=BIGINT},'%') and id != #{condition.idNotEquals,jdbcType=BIGINT} and id is null ..........类似省略
......参数等省略DemoQueryDto queryDto = new DemoQueryDto();queryDto.setIds(ids);Listdemos = demoMapper.selectList(queryDto);
@Getter@Setterpublic class DemoBuilderDto { private DemoQueryDto demoQueryDto ; //需要判断是否查询的字段 private boolean iscontent; private boolean issiteName; public static class Builder{ private DemoQueryDto demoQueryDto ; //需要判断是否查询的字段 默认false private boolean iscontent = false; private boolean issiteName = false; public Builder(){ } public Builder DemoQueryDto (DemoQueryDto conditionQueryDto){ demoQueryDto = conditionQueryDto; return this; } public Builder iscontent(boolean flag){ iscontent = flag; return this; } public Builder issiteName(boolean flag){ issiteName = flag; return this; } public DemoBuilderDto build(){ return new DemoBuilderDto (this); } } private DemoBuilderDto (Builder builder){ demoQueryDto = builder.demoQueryDto ; iscontent = builder.iscontent; issiteName = builder.issiteName; }}
id ..........省略select,content ,site_name from A where 1=1 ..........省略 and id = #{condition.demoQueryDto.id,jdbcType=BIGINT} ..........类似省略
ListselectList(@Param("condition") DemoBuilderDto condition);
DemoQueryDto queryDto = new DemoQueryDto();queryDto.setIds(ids);//现在我只需要查询contentDemoBuilderDto buildDto = new DemoBuilderDto.Builder().demoQueryDto(queryDto).iscontent(true).build();Listdemos = demoMapper.selectList(buildDto );